Økologisk Landsforening

Økologisk Landsforening arbejder for et samfund, hvor vi alle gennem vores forbrug, måltidssammensætning og aktive handlinger bidrager til en verden, der tænker og handler økologisk. Vi nytænker landbruget, landskabet, politik, håndværk og markedsrelationer og støtter og inspirerer vores økologiske landbrug, virksomheder og køkkener i deres udvikling med at blive mere bæredygtige. Samtidig arbejder vi for en ambitiøs økologisk vækst og politik. Det gør vi til gavn for vores medlemmer, til gavn for økologien og til gavn for et bæredygtigt samfund.


Agro Food Park 26

8200 Aarhus N

Phone: 87 32 27 00

E-mail: projekt@okologi.dk

Web: http://okologi.dk

Efforts take place in:



Grants: Empowerment of organic small-scale farmers families through resilient democratic rural organisations, market access and advocacy. Development of a Farmer Field School concept for family food security in West Uganda 7 landbofamilier i Uganda fortæller – om økologisk landbrug, motivation, mål og metoder Right to Water Access - Affordable Water Harvesting for Smallholder Farmer Families in Uganda and Tanzania (RIWAH) Empowerment of organic small-scale farmer families through resilient democratic rural institutions, market access and advocacy. Describing and writing an application for the project: "Development of a Farmer Field School approach to organic farming in Uganda" Empowerment of small holder farmer families through stronger civil society organisations, advocacy and market access in Zanzibar. Empowering Small-Scale Farmer Families through Resilient Democratic Rural Organisations, Organic Agriculture, Market Access and Advocacy (ESFROMA) Phase 2 (2024-2027) Building organisational capacity to facilitate participatory farming and food system development and advocacy in NOGAMU and its member organisations Improved Food Security through introduction of Farmer Family Learning Groups in Organic Agriculture in Zanzibar Building Organizational Capacity to Facilitate Agro-Ecological Farming and Food Systems Development Among Small Scale Bhutanese Farmers Empowering Small-Scale Farmer Families through Resilient Democratic Rural Organisations, Organic Agriculture, Market Access and Advocacy (ESFROMA) Phase 2 (2024-2027) Building of capacity, social and human capital and advocacy through self-sustaining Farmer Field Schools for local food security and improves market acces Empower civil society and strengthen food security for farmer families 2 (ECOSAF2) Organic Agriculture Climate Change Intervention for Empowering of Smallholder Farmers (ACCISS) Empower civil society and strengthen food security for farmer families Empowerment of small-scale farmers families through resilient democratic rural organisations, organic agriculture, market access and advocacy. Sustainable Marketing Associations (MAs) for organic agribusiness development on basis of FFLGs in the Rwenzori Region, including advocating for an enabling environment for their activities Empower Small Scale Bhutanese Farmers to Increase Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods through Agro-Ecological Farming and Food Systems Development Advocacy, market access and sustainable civil society organisations for small holder farmers through consolidated Market Associations (MA) in the Rwenzori Region (AMSOMAR) Farmer Field School project in war-affected Gulu District, Uganda Appraisal of the project "Improved Food Security through introduction of Farmer Family Learning Groups in Organic Agriculture in Zanzibar" Organic Fair Food Fighters Building organizational capacity to facilitate organic farming through FFLG among smallholder farmers in the Muzabarani-districit in Zimbabwe
Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 15: Life on Land

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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