Amnesty International Paraguay


Hassler 5229 between Cruz del Defensor and Cruz del Chaco

1892 Asunción

(+595 21) 604.822


Amnesty International


The Avá Guaraní Paranaense of Paraguay and Brazil: Promoting and Defending their Rights against Human Rights Violations by Corporate and State Actors (PRORIGHTS-AGP)

The Paraguayan Section of Amnesty International follows the principles of democracy and autonomy. The fundamental decisions regarding the governance of the entity, aligned with the policies of the international movement, are made by the National Council Meeting (General Assembly), a sovereign body that meets annually and is formed by members of the organization. In Paraguay, priority lines of intervention are defined, among which the following stand out: Protection of human rights defenders; Indigenous Peoples; Freedom from discrimination; Right to Health; Sexual and Reproductive Rights; Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Monitoring of compliance with human rights mechanisms and the Universal Periodic Review. The Paraguayan Section of Amnesty International is part of Amnesty International, a global movement of 10 million people who take injustice personally and work for a world in which all people can enjoy their human rights. It defines itself as independent of political ideology, economic interests and religion.