Child and Adolescent Resource Center


Stand number 144 Murambinda, Box 20 Murambinda

No postal code Murambinda

+263771169764 http://No website


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The mission of the organization is; Enhancing a satisfactory and dignified life for disadvantaged children and adolescents and building sustainable capacity on primary caregivers and the community at large. Child and Adolescent Resource Centre was established by the late Dr. Monica Glenshaw and Mrs. Mary Miller in 2009 The organization was established to provide psychosocial support to children and adolescents living with HIV and their primary caregivers. The founding members felt that although children were receiving anti-retroviral treatment and were getting better physically, they needed comprehensive psychosocial support in order to cope with their HIV status and its implications. Over the years, the organization has expanded its coverage to cater for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, and has established Ward Child Protection Committees and child led Child Protection committees at schools to create a safe environment for OVCs, raise community awareness on Child Protection, identify, manage and refer children who have been abused to appropriate service providers in the community or to the district. The committee members were drawn from traditional and religious leaders, community based workers, Child Care Workers, local police and youths. The organization also promotes self-help projects aimed at building the coping mechanisms of children and caregivers.