Peace for Children


Kathae Bazyan, House 8

Area 101 Sulaymanya


Cross Cultures Project Association(CCPA)


Child Protection & Youth Empowerment in Iraq

Peace for Children is a volunteer-driven network association, established in 2016 under the Iraqi Youth Network. The primary purpose is to improve life conditions for refugee and IDP children living in UN encampments. The association consists of a core group of 25 active young volunteers but has a broader network of more than 100 young men and women across the country and includes both employed and unemployed youth. Several of the Peace for Children volunteers have participated in the Open Fun Football Schools as children and/or were youth volunteers. Activities involve playing sports with sick and handicapped children, teaching math, literacy, and English to out-of-school or academically struggling children, engaging with parents of out-of-school children to encourage them to let them go (back) to school and helping to find schoolteachers for children in IDP/refugee camps among others.