
4756 Almalik Street Riverside

22521 Kitwe

+260 212-222415


Ubumi Prisons Initiative


Mental Health continues to Matter - Making a difference in Zambian prisons

IN BUT FREE ( was formed in 1995 and registered with the Registrar of Societies in 2005. For over 20 years, IN BUT FREE (IBF) has been executing HIV and TB programs in order to challenge the double sentence of imprisonment and inadequate health care in Zambian Correctional Facilities. The vision is to be an organization of excellence providing high quality evidence-based interventions for the better health and welfare of communities in Zambian correctional facilities. IBF is an organisation which promotes and respects diversity and also supports equality by all without discrimination. IBF has a Governance structure that consists of Board Members and Management. The organization does have a Constitution and a Strategic Plan 2017-2021. IBF is a well-recognized partner of the Zambia Correctional Service and works closely with the National AIDS Council. IBF has links with government through the District AIDS Task Force (DATF), District Medical Offices, TB Program and the Ministry of Community Development. IBF has a well-documented Human Resource Manual in place with well-defined job descriptions, policies, procedures and systems. Training of Peer Educators (PE) Awareness and health talks to target communities TB screening (Entry, Mass, Passive and Exit) Training of Correctional Officers as Psycho-Social Counsellors and Treatment Supporters Training of Correctional Officers and Peers in Nutrition Training of Correctional Officers in Health Communication Production and distribution of Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials Production and distribution of Newsletter Magazine called “Inside News” Follow-up and linkage of TB and HIV patients discharged while still on treatment Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) Advocacy for improved health in congregate settings Provision of shaving appliances Promotion of hygiene HIV/AIDS surveillance Support for recreational and educational activities Nutrition support for TB + ART patients