Ubumi Prisons Initiative

Ubumi Prisons Initiative arbejder i Zambias fængsler med særligt fokus de mest udsatte grupper; børn, unge, gravide, mødre, psykisk og fysisk syge. Vi arbejder med menneskerettigheder med særligt fokus på sundhed, uddannelse og reintegration. Vi implementerer projekter som gør en konkret forskel for de mest sårbare, og vi opbygger kapacitet blandt lokale partnere, ligesom vi kæmper for at holde myndighederne op på den lokale lovgivning og internationale standarder, de er forpligtet på.


Mosevangen 49

3460 Birkerød

Phone: 29350136

E-mail: ubumi@ubumi.dk

Web: http://www.ubumi.dk

Efforts take place in:


Grants: Poetic Enpowerment - Voices from Prison Western Zambia Storm Ana Relief Project: Linking Nutrition and Emergency Health support Tackling Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders in Correctional Settings – A civil society intervention Prisoners' Right to health - partnerships, capacity building and interventions for health in Zambian prisons Health, education and human rights in Zambian prisons Responding to Severe Drought in Nyimba district, Eastern Province, Zambia Strengthening civil society capacity for health and advocacy Mental Health continues to Matter - Making a difference in Zambian prisons Mental health and human rights in Zambian prisons Civil Society Mobilisation for Strategic Interventions for Health in Zambian prisons Sustainable Reintegration of former inmates in Zambia - methodologies, synergies and partnerships The Ubumi Reintegration Model - Strengthening Civil Society Capacity for Reintegration of former inmates Safekeeping in Action: Building Capacity for Safeguarding Vulnerable Populations in Zambian Prisons Civil society mobilisation and advocacy for improved health in Zambian prisons Ungdomsengagement i Danmark via kreative redskaber fra Syd
Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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