
Calle Victor Maurtua No 140 Apt 306 – San Isidro

15073 Lima



Civil Connections Community Foundation (CCCF)

Flama was the dream of Alejandra Rodriguez Larrain Bustamante in 2017. After several years of design and planning, Alejandra founded Flama with Alexia Polis Vander Elst in 2019. Flama – Fundación Peruana de la Mujer y el Deporte (Flama - Peruvian Women in Sport Foundation) was founded, with the goal of leveling the playing field for girls and women through physical activity, play and sport. However, our motivation was not just to create space or physical activity programs. When we play, we enter "the field" with all of our values. These can be enhanced or curbed within the sports environment. At Flama, we want values such as fairness, team spirit, leadership, generosity and others to join all of our activities. We are an organization seeking for girls and women’s equity in sports in Peru. We are working today so that in the future every girl and woman will participate in sports being aware of her inner flame, which motivates her to have an active participation in the society she belongs to. In 2020 Covid19 came to change our plans. The face-to-face projects had to be cancelled and could not be so easily replaced. However, we decided to see an opportunity in the crisis and launched the “Activa tu Flama - Actívate en casa” (“Activate your Flame – Activate at Home”) program, a program that got many girls and women moving; whose results and scope surprised us positively. Our achievements, would not have been possible without the generosity of wonderful people who donated to the cause; without the “Flama Volunteers”, a dynamic group of men and women who support us in every activity required to launch and develop a program. In addition, we are fortunate to have many companies and organizations (our beloved Flama brands or companies) that collaborate with Flama. We usually call them “Flama companies". These companies support us with goods or monetary donations for programs.