Fundación Comunidad de Productores en Artes (COMPA)


Calle de la Cultura, Ciudad Satélite, El Alto

La Paz

(591)2 2813443 Cel.: (591) 78868104 (591) 77289640



In 1989 a group of artists began working with street children through arts, forming an independent theater group which we called "Teatro Trono" helping its young participants to develop. Years later, COMPA was born as a Non-Profit Organization (2006), which on the basis of its previous experiences from Teatro Trono created new innovative pedagogical approaches to help accomplish the legitimate aspirations of girls, boys, adolescents and young people of the City of El Alto. COMPA has allowed us to influence on formal and non-formal education, by developing skills among the participating children and youth such as leadership, communication, critical thinking, creativity, problem solving and effective decision-making. These skills have allowed the beneficiaries to exercise their rights and be prepared for the multiple challenges of the present century: empowerment, leadership, employment, entrepreneurship, comprehensive education and creative industries. Our vision is to develop "young leaders who fully exercise their citizenship and build projects for their community using their socio-emotional and cognitive skills, who are proud of their identity and guided by the values ​​of respect, equity and complementarity." Our institutional values ​​are based on: Respect: For people and cultural identity. Reciprocity: Understood as the correspondence between people, their community and their environment. Complementarity: Recognizing ourselves as part of a bio-cultural system, where we contribute to the collective construction of citizenship. Equity: Seeking to reduce the social gaps due to gender, age, economic situation, etc. Respect for Mother Earth: Working with a vision of sustainability, in respect of the Environment in which we develop.