Destiny Child Development Center


5 (Laikipia North)

10401 Nairobi

+254 718121371 or


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Integrated project on psycho-social activities and food security

Describe the history, purpose and primary activities of the organisation (max 2000 characters) Destiny Child Development Center (DCDC) was started in 2012 and is registered as a Community Based Organization (CBO) in the Laikipia North sub county covering 13 villages of a minority group of people known as the Yaaku in Kenya. The formation of the organization was an effort engaged by 13 peoples all working with children and youth in the villages as a part of the Baptist Church. The board members are members of the Yaaku tribe and thereby custom to the Yaaku way of life, its traditions and customs, and some have even been exposed to some of these. The volunteers engaged in the activities are Yaaku people as well. Some of them have been away from Dol Dol for some time but have returned back. The chairperson of DCDC has studied for two years in Zambia and attended a three-month course in development work at Diaconal College (Diakon Højskolen) in Aarhus, Denmark. One of the volunteers has a degree in counseling and acts as the supervisor for the volunteers. The focal point and values of Destiny Child Development Center is to support the children, youths and women in this community, to advocate for children’s right for education, social and personal development and protection against the harmful traditional Yaaku traditions like female and male circumcision. For the last ten years, DCDC has been engaged in different activities for the children in the area. DCDC has trained and established a network of volunteers responsible for conducting these activities.