Centre for Coordination of voluntary Works and Research


No. 10 D, Poovathamman Koil Street, Krishnakuram

604 202 Gingee

0091 4145 223 674 cecowor@gmail.com https://cecoworblog.wordpress.com/


Aktion Børnehjælp


Promoting Equal Rights to Childhood Care & Education amongst Roma- and tribal communities Standing together for children's rights

The founder Mr. Susairaj was the first generation Dalit university graudates. He dedicated to work for the marginalized communities and gave priorty for women and children. Since 1989 the started taking the small community initiatives like evening class for the school dropouts. CECOWOR was established in august 1992. Since the organisation has been focusing on empowerment of people, in particular marginalised communities, in order to give them better control over their life and future. All activities carried out by the organization focus on building the capacity of the people and the civil society so that they are in a better position to get access to their rights and basic needs. The staff members of CECOWOR are all from the local area, and many from marginalised communities themselves.