Regional Advisory Information and Network Systems (RAINS)


Mandela Development Centre, No. 7 Dagomba Road (Opposite Metro Fire Department) Tamale Digital address: NT-0026-2966

P.O. Box 27 Tamale

+233(0) 372023406




A more equal and just world through quality education and a strong civil society Empowerment of Civil Society through Quality Education

The Regional Advisory Information and Network Systems (RAINS) was set up by a group of social development activists in 1993 as a development and advocacy organization. Since its registration as an NGO in 1996, RAINS has focused on improving the quality of life for vulnerable people particularly children, youth, the disable, women and girls in Ghana. Over the years RAINS have contributed to tackling the root causes of inequality and poverty as a result ensured that more vulnerable people especially girls in Ghana are educated and protected from exploitation. RAINS has a long history and experience in working with communities, other CSOs and development agencies in Ghana and enjoys tremendous respect and legitimacy among a vast number of both local and international partners including national NGOs, the media, government and the donor community Our main activities are in the following respects; Community empowerment, education, youth empowerment and good governance Vision: A just society that is based on equity with equal opportunities for all and respect for diversity. Mission: RAINS works with communities and development partners to improve the quality of life for vulnerable groups especially children, women, girls and people with disabilities by strengthening local structures to take actions to promote and ensure fairness for all people. RAINS is guided by the Respect for Human rights; Transparency and Accountability including in the use of resources; Tolerance and Respect for Culture; Respect for the Social and Natural Environment; Collaboration and Partnership; Dedication and Commitment and Volunteerism as core values in the course of fulfilling its mission.