African Centre for Treatmeant and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (ACTV)


Block No. 207 Plot No. 2756 Kanyanya Gayaza Rd

P.O Box 6108 Kampala

+256 772121403


DIGNITY - Dansk Institut Mod Tortur

African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (ACTV) was founded in 1993 by the late Dr. Nsamba who suffered torture during Uganda’s liberation war in the 1980s. After his torture ordeal, he realised that there was a gap in rehabilitation for those who had suffered torture and opened his clinic to offer medical treatment to survivors of torture. ACTV’s vision is a world free from torture and mission is to advocate against torture and other forms of violence and provide holistic care to survivors. ACTV is the pioneer organisation in Uganda that provides free holistic rehabilitation services to survivors of torture who are both refugees and Nationals. The organization currently chairs the Coalition against Torture (CAT) which was instrumental in the passing of the Anti-Torture law through a private members bill in 2012 and the passing of the Prevention and Prohibition of Torture Regulations of 2017 by the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. Annually, ACTV provides services to an average of 1000 clients, in the last five years (2016-2020), services have been provided to 6230 (4224Male and 2006Female) survivors. ACTV has been instrumental in bridging the gap in the country as the only holistic rehabilitation centre. The Organisations strategic pillars include; Holistic Treatment and Rehabilitation, Advocacy for torture prevention, livelihood support for survivors, legal aid and institutional strengthening. ACTV’S key activities are; • Provision of Holistic rehabilitation services (Medical treatment, psychological counselling, social support, and legal aid services) • Community sensitization and awareness raising • Capacity building for duty bearers and other stakeholders on torture and the law • High level Advocacy Engagements with government Ministries, Departments and Agency (MDAs)