Taakulo Somali Community (TASCO) (MAIN)


Badacas, Koodbuur District, near Nafis Network, Statehouse road


+252 2 527202/+252634403137/+252634415222 mmducaale@taakulo.org, omer.farah@taakulo.org, info@taakulo.org http://www.taakulo.org


International Aid Services (IAS)

Taakulo Somali Community Commonly known by the acronym “TASCO”. TASCO is a multifa ceted non-governmental, non-profit making, non-political and non-partisan development, and humanitarian aid organization established in 2007 and headquartered in Hargeisa, and has r egional offices throughout Somalia. Taakulo is a Somali word meaning “helping/aiding”. Wor king in partnership with UN, INGO’s, and National organizations, TASCO is dedicated to hel ping the disadvantaged people and communities throughout Somalia Somaliland Puntland a nd Somali region Ethiopia by engaging in the development and related activities and also pr oviding relief support and assistance, facilitating and promoting participatory local community activities and programs that emphasize human dignity and self-reliance. TASCO Organizatio n was established to assist the Somali community, to whom time has tested their resilience t o the tipping point, drought and famine scavenging their livelihood, war and conflict avenging their economy on the other hand. The projects are based on the needs of the communities in which they are implemented where the beneficiaries always take part in the planning proces s. TASCO engages in a long-term commitment, partnership approach with the beneficiaries i n implementing the Projects. The objective is to set up a regional program concentrating on a particular sector, such as health, education, water and sanitation, Income Generation, Orp han sponsorship program, disability and people with special needs, emergency response or i mproving food security in the country among others TASCO improves the efficiency of its wo rk by partnering with communities in training and in the projects that increase the self-sufficie ncy and self-reliance of the locals.