
Sheshegu Residential Area off Nyankpala Road. Sagnerigu District Assembly Junction

Box TL 2425 Tamale

+233 (0) 501303003




A more equal and just world through quality education and a strong civil society Empowerment of Civil Society through Quality Education

Norsaac is a policy influencing organization with a vision of “A healthy and empowered society where everyone enjoys their rights and live a life of dignity”. It has a mission of working with Networks of women, young people, excluded groups, national and local based structures and like-minded organizations to strengthen their agencies to claim and exercise their rights in dignity. The organization is well structured and able to respond to all mandatory requirements. There are 9 people constituting its board who have two term mandate of three years each and are nominated to the board taking in to consideration their backgrounds and professions to facilitate effective operations of the organization. There exist 25 full time staff including a four (4) member Senior Management Team and 7-member Extended Management Team as well as Project Management Team. The organization connect its constituents to issues of; improved economic opportunities, health care delivery, better educational outcomes, peace and stable communities, and social protection in Ghana and the West African sub- Region. Norsaac’s standard for good organizational governance is embedded in its constitution, Human Resource Manual and Financial Manual. The documents clearly outline levels of authority from board of directors’ level to our beneficiary communities. The existence of authorization levels in the management team guides prudent use of resources and it’s been described by many of external auditors as a good governance system that can ensure accountability. On the geographical areas, all the districts in Northern Ghana are not new to Norsaac. The organization has worked in the northern sector (all five regions of Northern Ghana at various degrees). The organization host two satellite offices with the rest hosted by the various Municipal and District Assemblies. Officers are stationed in these offices.