Taakulo Somali Community (TASCO)


Buurta Kala-jeexan, behind Ileys secondary school


002522527202 or +252634415222 or 252634228777 mmducaale@taakulo.org, omer.farah@taakulo.org, info@taakulo.org http://www.taakulo.org


Danish Muslim Aid


Emergency Cash Assistance to Vulnerable IDPs in Baidaba, Somalia

"Taakulo Somali Community is Commonly known by the acronym “TAAKULO”. Taakulo is a multifaceted non-governmental, non-profit making, non-political and non-partisan development and humanitarian aid organization established in 2007 and headquartered in Hargeisa, Somaliland and have regional offices throughout Somalia and Somali region of Ethiopia. Taakulo is a Somali word denotating “helping/aiding”. Taakulo is dedicated to assisting disadvantaged people and communities throughout Somalia and Somaliland by engaging in development and related activities and providing emergency relief assistance, resilience building, facilitating and promoting local community engagement and programs that emphasize self-reliance with dignity. TAAKULO Organization was established to assist Somali community, to whom time has tested their resilience to the tipping point, drought and famine scavenging their livelihood, war and conflict avenging their economy on the other hand. Projects are based on the needs of the communities in which they are implemented, where the beneficiaries always take part in the planning process. Taakulo engages on a long-term commitment, partnership approach with the beneficiaries in implementing the Projects. The objective is to set up integrated programs, i.e., health, education, water and sanitation, Livelihood, Orphan sponsorship program, disability and children with special needs, peacebuilding, and improving food security in the country. TAAKULO has successfully managed to build a significant relationship with government institutions, UN agencies, International NGOs and grassroots, this cherishes the work of Taakulo in terms of funding, complementarity, knowledge & information sharing. TAAKULO has a clean record with its donors, partners, government and affected communities. "