Danish Muslim Aid

CVR 29874263


Hans Knudsens Plads 1, opg.4

2100 København Ø

Phone: 35360833

E-mail: info@dmaid.dk

Web: http://dmaid.dk

Efforts take place in:














Grants: Emergency Response to IDPs in the Gaza Strip 2024 Integrated Youth Community Center in Hatay Emergency food distribution to IDPs and vulnerable families in six provinces of Afghanistan DERF - Drought Emergency response- Sanaag Region DMAID_TASCO Emergency Cash Assistance to Vulnerable IDPs in Baidaba, Somalia Integrated emergency response to the flood affected region in White Nile State of Sudan Emergency Food distribution for vulnerable people (IDPs) in Sudan, White Nile state, Gezira Aba Promoting Menstrual Hygiene Management in schools in Luwero district, Uganda Dokolo Floods Rapid Response in Uganda DERF Beledweyne Response DM-Aid_TASCO Food security (livelihood) and WASH - Integrated support to drought affected IDP households in Baidoa Earthquake response to Orphan Families DERF - Bangladesh Monsoon Crisis Response DMAID_AAKF Congolese Refugee Crisis - Kyegegwa Kayaka II - DM AID Flood Relief in Rajanpur DERF - Violent conflict in Sool region - TASCO_DMAID DERF Covid19_PC Response in NWS_Syria _DM-Aid-VIO Kompetenceopbygning af partnere indenfor female empowerment Construction of sand damp to improve and upscale groundwater recharge to access potable water for residents in Borama town, Somaliland. DERF Emergency Food Response in Tal Abiad - DM-Aid_Violet Building resilience through climate change adaptation practices for the farmer communities of Musubiro parish, Lwengo District, Uganda. DERF - Cyclone Sagar Response - Awdal Region DMAID
Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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