DERF Emergency Food Response in Tal Abiad - DM-Aid_Violet

Project period:

27.11.2019 - 27.06.2020

Granted amount:

999,158,- DKK


Danish Muslim Aid


Menekşe Organizasyon Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve dayanışma Derneği


DERF - Nødhjælpspuljen

Grant type:

Conflict in North-Eastern Syria (Rapid Response)

World goals:

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Efforts take place in:



According to OCHA Flash Update #11 of those returning to Ar-Raqqa governorate, 60 per cent (28,000 individuals) have returned to Tal Abyad sub-district; the remaining 18,500 have returned to Ein Issa and Suluk sub-districts, all areas under TAF control. Access to areas between Tal Abyad and Ras Al-Ain is a major due to the security situation, causing considerable disparities in needs of affected groups and coordinated responses from conventional humanitarian actors. Much of the response infrastructure is situated/concentrated in the southern Areas or in SDF/Syrian Government controlled areas, thus gaps identified thus far include households hosting displaced population in need of immediate response to address nutritional needs and winterization response. This intervention is proposing to contribute to covering the emergency needs in the targeted areas through two distribution rounds of food baskets. The food basket has been designed based on to cover the basic needs of food for 5 members family for one-month in which, it will cover 2100 kca/person/day (15-21days FSS). Additionally, DM-Aid will be processing funding immediately supporting winterization needs of 500HHs in the target community. This will be complimentary to the RTEs of this proposed intervention.