Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima Tanzania - MVIWATA


232 Old Dar Es Salaam Road

P.O.Box 3220, 67110 Morogoro

+255 23 293 2026




Strengthening Smallholder Farmers’ Organization Capacity for Increased Accountability in Agriculture in Tanzania

MVIWATA was found in 1993 with the purpose to unite smallholder farmers nationally in order to defend the economic, social, cultural and political rights of the smallholder farmers through capacity development, facilitating communication and advocacy on policies and systems. The organisation was founded following the alienation of smallholder farmers in all key aspects and decisions pertinent to the life of smallholder farmers. Increasing problems with produce markets, alienation in policies formulation, access to financial services and agricultural extension services. Primarily therefore the organisation works on advocacy on family farming, policies, territorial market development and provision of support services to smallholder producers. Primary activities of the PO, in line with the country context and based on the Strategic Plan of MVIWATA for 2022 – 2026 include capacity development through training programme that is conducted at the rural residential training centres that are owned by MVIWATA on agroecology and sustainable agriculture, climate change management, rural financing and marketing, gender and policy and advocacy; provision of price and market information; market linkage interventions; legal aid to the marginalised and women especially victims of land evictions, gender-based violence, inheritance and criminalisation; business incubation, financial literacy, facilitate learning visits and MVIWATA FM Radio programs and newsletters