There is a rise in social movements and protests across the world. There is an increasing attention towards working with these actors as societal change also comes through their push. Their actions often have a strong impact through the media and press leading to political action. Social movements also change the people that are part of the movement and thereby creates activists.
At the community level, informal structures can be key partners to actually influence people’s practices. In other words, change also happens through other actors than the relatively well-organised NGO's and local CBO's (Community Based Organisations).
This tool paper seeks to point out how you can work with these participants on the basis of CISU grants.
You should read this if you already work with informally organised civil society trying to find workable ways to transfer funds or if you want to work closer with community-based groups and social movements that are informally organised.
Download the PDF: 'How to work with social movements and informal society'