The Danish Emergency Relief Fund (DERF) is a humanitarian funding mechanism, managed by CISU – Civil Society in Development, in a consortium with Save the Children Denmark.

Aim and objective of the DERF

The DERF provides flexible and rapid funding to save lives and prevent further escalation of suffering in humanitarian crisis situations.

The objective is fulfilled through supporting the humanitarian interventions of Danish Civil Society Organisations (CSO's) (those without strategic humanitarian partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark) who have relevant access, capacities and expertise. This can either be through local or national partner CSO's and/or within their own organisation enabling them to respond to the humanitarian needs of people affected by crisis.

The fund supports lifesaving interventions through localised humanitarian response and assists particularly vulnerable groups of people, hereunder refugees, IDPs (Internally Displaced People) and host communities.

The DERF can only provide funds to address humanitarian crisis situations in countries included in OECD/DAC-list of countries eligible to receive support.

The DERF supports lifesaving interventions through two modalities:

  • Anticipatory Action in relation to natural hazards and climate change

  • Rapid Response to an acute humanitarian crisis


Useful information about the DERF

More on DERF:


Billede af Christoph Lodemann


Christoph Lodemann

Christoph er ansvarlig for Den Danske Nødhjælpspulje, DERF, og rådgiver på DERF og Civilsamfundspuljen.

Billede af Hans-Jakob Hausmann


Hans-Jakob Hausmann

Hans-Jakob er rådgiver for Den Danske Nødhjælpspulje, DERF. Derudover arbejder han med klimatilpasning og arrangerer kurser i sikkerhed og safeguarding.

Billede af Alberte Maimburg


Alberte Maimburg

Alberte er forvalter på Civilsamfundspuljen og Den Danske Nødhjælpspulje, DERF. Derudover arbejder hun med accountability, herunder særligt antikorruption og antiterror.

Billede af Gunnur Òsk Bjarnadóttir Johansen


Gunnur Òsk Bjarnadóttir Johansen

Gunnur er forvalter på Den Danske Nødhjælpspulje, DERF, Civilsamfundspuljen samt OpEn - Udenrigsministeriets Oplysnings- og Engagementspulje. Gunnur underviser ligeledes på en række af CISUs kurser.

Billede af Bolette Kornum


Bolette Kornum

Bolette er ansvarlig for CISUs økonomistyring og interne kontroller for både CISUs puljer og foreningen. Bolette afholder også kurser i blandt andet økonomistyring, antikorruption og klagemekanisme.