Ingeniører uden Grænser (IUG)

Humanitær teknisk udviklingsorganisation


Kalvebod Brygge 33

1560 København V

Tlf: 44402828



Indsatser foregår i:

Sierra Leone



Bevillinger: Economic and social rights for persons with disability in Kenema, Sierra Leone Climate Resiliency - Cool communities, Freetown Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Institution of Engineer’s contribution to engineering a sustainable future in Sierra Leone: Partnership to strengthen S.L.I.E.’s work on sustainable development according to the UN’s North/South Engineering for the SDGs Climate-smart agriculture practices for rural women farmers in 15 communities in the Kenema District, Sierra Leone. Improved livelihood through the civil society-driven model for gender-sensitive sustainable income generation and green job creation at the community level: Capacity building in entrepreneurship, market development combined with the provision of access to strategic service delivery of sustainable energy, Kenema district, Sierra Leone Increase the Mian Issa community's capacity to cope with disasters in a sustainable and self governing way Public private partnership in Solid Waste Management in Kétao to Improve health and living conditions for the population in Kétao, Togo South-to-South cooperation between academia and NGOs in Zimbabwe - enhanc-ing local civil society capacity and technical quality in future interven¬tions through creation of a qualified, partnering NGO – EWB Zimbabwe Faglighed som brobygger til frivillighed – Initiativ der med afsæt i faglig identitet søger at mobilisere og fastholde frivillige med tekniske uddannelser i arbejdet for verdensmålene Enhancing technical capabilities and opportunities for girls to improve access to education and gender equality in Kenema, Sierra Leone Strengthening CSO Cooperation and synergies in Sierra Leone ENGAGING LOCAL COMMUNITIES IN WASTE INNOVATION IN FREETOWN Engineers without Borders humanitarian capacity building project (EWBCB) Enhancing Climate resilience in rural Sierra Leone - how to adapt the WASH sector to climate change impacts Civil Society engagement in Public Service delivery: Community driven improved education at rural primary school in Vaahun, Sierra Leone Enhanced Community Health Resilience - Baoma Sierra Leone Safeguarding livelihoods of vulnerable households in rural communities in Kenema District Sierra Leone during the COVID-19 Epodemic Åbent hus arrangemen ved Københavns Kulturnat & deltagelse i Maskinmester Foreningens årlige virksomhedskonference “Ajour” Improved Food Security: School Meal Intervention, Lupane District, Zimbabwe Containing the spread of the COVID19 epidemic and safeguarding livelihoods of vulnerable groups in slum areas, Freetown, Sierra Leone Empowering a Sustainable Cooperative Tea Association in Honde Valley Bygger fremtiden Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction in the Charsadda District Enhanced community resilience and livelihood security through community driven climate action - ward 442, 444, and 445, Freetown, Sierra Leone Civic engagement in public sector delivery ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMMUNITY DRIVEN SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN KÉTAO, TOGO Environmental Empowerment: Engaging local communities in Freetown in waste management and improved livelihood Advocating for the right to access education for youth living with disabilities – development of an advocacy tool for affordable housing in Kenema, Sierra Leone Righht to Water and Sanitation: Community Development in Kenema District Sierra Leone STUDY ON COMMUNITY DRIVEN INCOME-GENERATING INITIATIVES IN KENEMA, SIERRA LEONE based upon harvesting of experience and lessons learned on past projects Strengthening CSO capacity and identifying common synergies among partners in Sierra Leone and Togo Knowledge sharing, concept development and partnership strengthening in Zimbabwe Informed community decisions on rural energy: Tool development for community solar energy systems Rullende udstilling om IUG og Verdens Bedste Nyheder Inclusive Futures: Bridging Employment and Education for youth living with different abilities in Kenema, Sierra Leone Workshop og oplysningsaktiviteter om hygiejne og vand i slumområder Improving livelihood for tea farmers in Honde valley Community Environmental Plan in Coroico, Bolivia. Inspirations foredrag om Bæredygtigenergi i udviklingslande Frivillighed igennem 20 år. Mian Isa - Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Programme in the Nowshera district Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project Green Empower House – development of an advocacy tool for biogas and income generating facility in urban slum in Freetown, Sierra Leone Pilot project - Community Environment Action Plans in two sub-centrals in Coroico Core Humanitarian Standard: Upgrading of applicant organizations, interventions and effects Improved Food Security in Lupane, Zimbabwe Climate resiliency in suburban Sierra Leone Oplysningsvideo om Ingeniører uden Grænsers arbejde: Fokus vil være på frivillige i danske udviklingsprojekter Citizen Driven Climate Sensitive WASH Management - Kenema District, Sierra Leone Sustainable Health Service through Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment of the women in Baoma (SHSEEE) Knowledge exchange for tea farmers in Kenya and Zimbabwe Sustainable Community-driven Waste Recycling and Management at Pottor Community, Freetown, Sierra Leone Land rights Scoping Democratic Innovation from a civil society and rights perspective Right to inclusion and livelihood: improved access to education and social resources for youth with disability in Kenema, Sierra Leone Flooding and Mudslides Freetown Sierra Leone WASH intervention EWB SL and EWB DK Sept - Nov 2017 Democratic and Participator Sector Governing Institutions – Civil Society Engagement in Water Sector Management, Kenema District, Sierra Leone.
FN's Verdensmål:

Mål 1: Afskaf fattigdom

Mål 2: Stop sult

Mål 3: Sundhed og trivsel

Mål 4: Kvalitetsuddannelse

Mål 5: Ligestilling mellem kønnene

Mål 6: Rent vand og sanitet

Mål 7: Bæredygtig energi

Mål 8: Anstændige jobs og økonomisk vækst

Mål 9: Industri, innovation og infrastruktur

Mål 10: Mindre ulighed

Mål 11: Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund

Mål 12: Ansvarligt forbrug og produktion

Mål 13: Klimaindsats

Mål 14: Livet i havet

Mål 15: Livet på land

Mål 16: Fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner

Mål 17: Partnerskaber for handling

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