Community Integrated Development Initiatives-CIDI


Plot 2809 Tank Hill Road Muyenga

+256-414 Kampala

+256-782-520570/+256-784-570-444/+256-414-510-358 /


Seniorer uden Grænser


Bukedea Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Project - BUCAREP Reduction and empowerment of young female dropouts in Soroti district, Uganda, phase II The Sustainable Environmental Agro-Solutions Project Close Out Phase (SEAS III) Reduction and empowerment of Teenage Mothers and School Dropouts Phase III Networking among CSOs BidiBidi Refugee Environment & Livelihood Action Project-BRELAP.

CIDI is a secular organisation, founded in 1996 by a team of experienced and competent professionals and registered in 1999 as an NGO. Their motivation was the dire need for concerted efforts to fight poverty in Uganda. CIDI’s vision is to have “Communities enjoying a decent life free of hunger, poverty and disease”. The mission is “promotion of sustainable community livelihoods through; Income and Food security, Water and Environmental sanitation, Good health and Good Governance”. CIDI has a strategic goal to improve the economic and social welfare of communities and stimulate community participation and responsiveness of duty bearers in aspects of sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation, water, sanitation and hygiene, and health. Currently CIDI operates in 20 districts of Uganda, where variously for the last 15 years CIDI has been undertaking development initiatives within those districts. Among the major districts CIDI is operating in directly and/or through local partners include; BidiBidi, Soroti, Amuria, Katakwi, Kapchorwa, Moroto, Soroti, Napak, Budaka, Bududa, Mbale, and Bulambuli. In those districts and others not listed here, CIDI is ranked among the leading indigenous organisations implementing integrated livelihood development programs that use participatory and rights awareness approaches to address community needs and demands. CIDI has two core strategies that guide her programming. Those include; a) maintaining an integrated community program that mainstream youth and women, good governance and climate change issues across all program thematic areas, and b) strengthening CIDI’s institutional capacity and that of the local structures, to support and sustain an integrated program and ensure that implementation is adequate, effective and result oriented.