Ubumi Prisons Initiative Zambia


9 Kalungu Crescent

10101 Lusaka

+260 962447427 ubumi@ubumi.org http://www.ubumi.org


Ubumi Prisons Initiative


Civil Society Mobilisation for Strategic Interventions for Health in Zambian prisons The Ubumi Reintegration Model - Strengthening Civil Society Capacity for Reintegration of former inmates Tackling Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders in Correctional Settings – A civil society intervention Responding to Severe Drought in Nyimba district, Eastern Province, Zambia Safekeeping in Action: Building Capacity for Safeguarding Vulnerable Populations in Zambian Prisons Mental Health continues to Matter - Making a difference in Zambian prisons Civil society mobilisation and advocacy for improved health in Zambian prisons

Ubumi Prisons Initiative Zambia was registered in Zambia in 2014. Ubumi's purpose is to contribute to a general improvement of the conditions in prisons in Africa. Ubumi wishes to help establish the best conditions possible for the inmates in terms of physical, mental, and social conditions and to work for that the inmates’ basic human rights are respected both while in prison and after imprisonment. Ubumi has a special focus on the most vulnerable in prisons including small children aged 0-4 years and their mothers, pregnant women, juveniles, and seriously ill inmates, but Ubumi also work for improved hygiene and safe drinking water for the general inmate population. Ubumi's work is based on international recognized principals and rights including FN's Human Rights and FN's Standard Minimum Rules for Prisoners, with specific focus on health, nutrition, education, and reintegration. In prisons, Ubumi empower and build capacity of volunteer inmates who perform different tasks for the most vulnerable groups. Ubumi also establish vegetable gardens to complement the food in prisons and to build skills of volunteer inmates. Outside prisons, Ubumi also establish projects to help inmates reintegrate back into society by building capacity and empowering the ex-inmates within agriculture and entrepreneurship. Ubumi works with and build capacity of several local partner organisations. Ubumi has a good and long-lasting relationship with Zambia Correctional Service (ZCS) and works with advocacy towards ZCS and Ministries to uphold the rights of inmates according to Zambian law and international standards.