Gallad Rehabilitation and Development Organization


South Galkaio - Galmudug

East of Stand golol Street, Near Hotel Gedi,South Galkaio Galkaio



Somalisk Forening for Genopbygning (OFROSOM)

Galad Rehabilitation & Development Organization (GARDO) was been established by a group of Somali intellectuals, women activists, Diaspora groups aimed to respond to the increased human suffering and poor development services in Somalia. GARDO is a local NGO organization established in 2007 with the aim to facilitate and help communities to have access of all basic social services such as; health and education and basic life existence. GARDO is private, non-profit National NGO, who has the task of helping war torn society and marginalized communities in Somali Federal Republic. GARDO intends specifically to fill the gap between thirsty poor communities in Somalia and particularly Mudug communities with the INGOs, UN Agencies creating strong technical & managerial owned local NGO to implement all community rehabilitation and development projects, Independently and partnership with INGO as well as UN Agencies. The organization support, encourage and empower the destitute population in different communities in Somalia who are vulnerable to poverty due to the prolonged civil war, manmade disaster and mismanagement of resources. GARDO focus on environmental protection, the organization designed to implement its projects taking in to full account of priority needs of the target community, funding Agencies’ interest to achieve the goal.