Free Sight Association


N°7, street 18 Janvier 1952, 2nd floor

1001 Tunis

+216 36311107 // +216 25126867



Free Sight is an independent, non-profit, and non-governmental association, established in 2011 after the Tunisian Revolution. Its main objectives are to defend human rights, especially Women rights, disseminate the culture of dialogue, peace, and citizenship. The association cooperates with national and international NGOs with common objectives. Free Sight Association (FSA) promotes these universal values through art, awareness campaigns, capacity building, advocacy and creative thinking. FSA projects tackle social injustice, especially gender inequality, women political participation at local and national level and women peace and security . In fact, we focus on improving the legal framework, and on enhancing women’s rights, and peacebuilding. FSA supports cultural and artistic exchange and highlights the role of art in addressing these issues and changing unjust social norms. Capacity building, researches and arts are a key factor in our projects. It is a necessary means to louden the voices of vulnerable and marginalized people. FSA is active in 24 governorates through local partners and national activist networks. We organize capacity-building programs in order to engage local civil society and youth. FSA Programs tries to enhance youth’ capacity through a series of training in participatory theater (Forum Theater) and the development and production of short films. Through these activities, youth will be able to question and criticise the patriarchal society, stereotypes and gender roles imposed by traditions. FSA strongly believes in the importance of art as a safe channel to promote intercultural dialogue, reconciliation and integration. It builds bridges between divided groups and communities and empowers people to stand against injustice and play an active role in changing mentalities.