Centro de Estudio y Trabajo de la Mujer (CETM)


Estamos ubicadas en la calle Uruguay #631 entre Lanza y Antezana


+59176430911 soniapardobur@yahoo.com.ar https://cetmbolivia.org/




A more equal and just world through quality education and a strong civil society Empowerment of Civil Society through Quality Education

The Centro de Estudios y Trabajo de la Mujer (CETM) is a Bolivian non-profit organization founded in 1987 to address gender, ethnic, and class discrimination affecting women. Initially, CETM organized study groups to analyze these issues, later expanding to rural outreach and research on women's status. After years of volunteer work, CETM formalized its vision: to promote an equitable, inclusive society by empowering women, children, and adolescents. CETM’s mission is to advance social transformation based on gender equity. Its main objective is to contribute to a fairer society where women, men, and young people actively participate in social, economic, cultural, and political spheres. Objectives Enhance education by challenging gender stereotypes and fostering respect for children’s needs. Promote holistic health from a bio-psycho-social perspective. Raise awareness on self-esteem, rights, and environmental issues to reduce violence. Support organizations’ engagement in exercising full citizenship. Promote alternative communication to share experiences and amplify voices, especially for women. Projects Agroforestry Systems: In collaboration with AGRECOL, CETM promotes climate resilience through agroforestry training, water harvesting, and improved post-harvest techniques. Ending Violence in Tapacarí: Protects Quechua and Aymara students from violence by promoting rights awareness and a reporting system managed by student councils. Living Together in Bolívar: Educates parents on anti-violence laws and trains teachers on non-violent strategies for safer schools and communities. No More Violence in Cocapata: Works with families and local authorities to protect students from violence. Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights: Educates women and youth on reproductive rights and advocates for supportive public policies. Gender and Urbanism: Study sustainable urban change that meets the needs of women, aiming to influence global urban policy. Agrosilviculture: Strengthens