Centro de Estudio y Trabajo de la Mujer (CETM)


Estamos ubicadas en la calle Uruguay #631 entre Lanza y Antezana


+59176430911 soniapardobur@yahoo.com.ar https://cetmbolivia.org/




A more equal and just world through quality education and a strong civil society Empowerment of Civil Society through Quality Education

Based on this experience, we began the process of institutionalizing the CETM (1091), defining as a vision to contribute to generating development processes by identifying the strategic and practical needs of the different social subjects, mainly women and children, in order to achieve a society more equitable, and as its mission to postulate transformation processes based on social relations of equality between genders and the general objective that guides our actions is to reduce the conditions of oppression, subordination and gender discrimination in which women find themselves in the country and as main specific objectives a) promote alternative communication, where grassroots organizations, especially women's organizations, socialize and subject their experiences, needs and proposals. b) to become a space open to all initiatives aimed at making the utopia of a society a reality where oppressive relationships based on differences of sex, class, age and ethnicity have no place. c) Contribute to improving the quality of formal and informal education by qualifying the pedagogical practice aimed at developing attitudes, values ​​and knowledge that eliminate discrimination and sexist stereotypes, considering the needs and interests of girls and boys. d) Raise awareness, promote and promote integral health from a bio-psycho-social approach and e) Generate information and training processes in organizations in the exercise of their full citizenship.