Rural Women Development Society


Sabat Building, Edward Said St., Masyoun

Ramallah Ramallah

+972 2 296 4585




Better support and increased legal rights to women survivors of domestic violence in Palestine Acute humanitarian assistance to Gaza’s most vulnerable women and children

RWDS was founded in 1987 and has become one of the leading women’s organizations in P alestine with a strong and respected grassroot presence in rural communities with 3000+ wo men members active in a network of 57 women’s clubs across the West Bank and Gaza stri p. Within the framework of its current vision, RWDS aspires to achieve “equality between wo men and men, girls and boys in Palestinian rural areas and in coherence with the Palestinian Declaration of independence, international conventions and standards.” RWDS’ Strategic Ob jectives and activities for 2019-2022 • 1- Goal No. (1): Enhancing justice and equality betwee n men and women and reduce violence against women and girls in the Palestinian Society. 2- Goal No. (2): Enhancing economic justice for women and girls in Rural Palestine. 3- Goal No. (3): Improving RWDS’s performance and efficiency and increasing its representation and influence at the national, regional and international levels.