Cross Cultures Jordan


qaituqa street

00962 Amman

+962 795582163


Cross Cultures Project Association(CCPA)

Foundation was formed in June 2005 within the farm work of the Danish FIESA program intuitive with the purpose to stimulate regional cooperation for stability for Jordan, Lebanon, Irak and Syria The program was organized with the cooperation of Jordan football association and under the umbrella of CCPA Denmark Our main program was the Open Fun Football Schools program that exists to bring people from different backgrounds together to stimulate gender equality and social integration by bringing youth and children from different backgrounds together As a part of suitability strategy of CCPA the office registered as an independent organization, inside Jordan in 2018 Implementing 2 programs, coordinating financed by BMZ through street football world t facilitate social integration of refugees and Syrian in local host community in Jordan And with the farm work of DAPP partner MFA Denmark to mobilize youth and motivate them to actually take part in voluntary civil society activities, that by enhancing grassroots democracy, voluntarism, active citizenship and residence From 2005 to 2019 the office has organized social activities for total of 19202 children aged 6-12 with total of 137,6818 show ups and we have trained a total of 1200 of young voluntary coaches in the specific child centered a community based open fun football schools