Danish Afghanistan Committee (DAC-Herat)


Mahala-e-Naw, Spin Adi area

PD4-Herat Herat

+93799558571 admin@afghan.dk http://www.afghan.dk


Dansk Afghanistan Komite


Emergency relief in Herat, Afghanistan following flooding - 2024

1984: Mobile teams of doctors and nurses into warzones of Afghanistan. In 1989 DAC established an emergency hospital in Nangahar province in Afghanistan. Unfortunately renewed war acts made it necessary to close the hospital again after a short while. The expatriate staff instead travels to Pakistan, where they offer surgical assistance to war victims in hospitals in Peshawar. 1990-1992 DAC operates a hospital for 40.000 Afghan refugees in Chitral near the Afghan border in north-western part of Pakistan. DAC also trains so called ‘medics’ among the local population. 1992-1995 DAC co-operate with General Hospital, the province hospital in Herat city in the Herat province. In 1994 DAC changed strategic focus from General Hospital towards the rural population. 1998: DANIDA supports health in rural population. 1998-2015: 300 afghan employees in a district hospital, 19 health clinics and 181 health posts additional 362 health care workers and 3 mobile teams were established. Also, DAC administred a refugee camp. 2016: CISU health care rights ptoject. 2017: 2 years project establishing a World Diabetes Foundation financed center. WASH project, educational training and emergency relief projects were running on-and-off. 10 baby well clinics established. Nutritional support for lactating mothers, pregnant females and malnutritioned infants financed by UNICEF and World Food Program in several hopitals/clinics. October 2023: DAC financed emergency relief to earthquake victims and in November 2023 CICU/DERF project for same group.