Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center


Palestine, Ramallah, Al Masyoon, Al Raja’ St.

P606 Ramallah

+970 599 50 46 46


Støtteforeningen Det Danske Hus i Palæstina


Bringing Yahya Hassan to Palestinian Readers

Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center (KSCC) is a leading Palestinian arts and culture organization. The center is named after the Jerusalemite scholar, poet, and nationalist, Khalil Sakakini, and is houseing the office of the late Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish. Since its establishment, KSCC has played an important role in promoting arts and culture in Palestine, through fostering cultural heritage, creativity, and literary and artistic practices. It has gained a strong reputation, locally and internationally, as an institution that celebrates culture and arts for its capacity to question; to pose alternative ways of thinking, perceiving and viewing; and to accommodate multiple interpretations and ambiguity that foster the values of critique and interpretation. Over the past 25 years, Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center has served as a diverse and unique cultural platform that has fostered innovation, creativity, and emancipatory culture through research, critique and participation. It has encouraged cultural and artistic practices by offering open spaces, exchange of experiences, and opportunities for networking and collaboration, for research in social, economic and political trends. The center holds a significant cultural, historic and national value for Palestinians in general and for artists and cultural practitioners in particular. They succeed by preserving pluralism and diversity, and through our openness to collective exploration of new artistic and societal ideas under a complex context of challenges and limited resources that we face in Palestine. KSCC is a center for the people, through joint cultural production with the community, the center works continuously to reach a greater margin of independence in order to achieve sustainability for the programs and the center.