Alternative Information and Development Centre


129 Rochester Rd, Observatory

7925 Cape Town

+27 21 4475770


Global Aktion - Mennesker & miljø før profit


Adapting the power, transforming the region - regional coalition towards inclusive climate change adaptation Advancing the Right to Say No, Resisting Green Extractivism, and Building Alternatives That Shape a Just Transition from Below in Southern Africa Protecting and expanding civic space in Southern Africa Towards Self-Determined Development in Southern Africa 2-0 til de små (genansøgning af 23-4736-OpEn-OE) Protecting and expanding civic space in Southern Africa

AIDC was formed in 1996 in response to the democratic transition in South Africa and the new opportunities and challenges it brought those seeking greater social justice within the democracy. Over the years AIDC has played a leading role in various civil society responses to ongoing inequality AIDC has established itself as a leading source of research and information on themes of poverty, trade, and globalisation as well as playing a central role in various regional and international networks and forums. AIDC has contributed to strengthening South African civil society over the years by building leadership and analytical capacity and facilitating networking though a series of conferences, trainings, and leadership schools for trade unionists, women and youth