Global Aktion - Mennesker & miljø før profit

Global Aktion kæmpede i over 30 år mod apartheid i Sydafrika. I dag er apartheid officielt væk. Det er vi i Global Aktion dog ikke enig i. Derfor har vi som bevægelse kastet os over kampen mod global ulighed.


Wesselsgade 2, stuen

2200 København N

Phone: 35359232



Efforts take place in:



Democratic Republic of Congo










Papua New Guinea

South Africa




Grants: From Victims to Change Agents - Young Women Demand Access to Decision Making Build Social Justice Strength through Election Partner Seminar 2017 – Building stronger alliances for common struggles Sishoshovu Sesi Vutsevutse (An Informed, Active, and Critical Mass Movement) Projekt "Flygtningebåd" i samarbejde med Levende Hav Joint Finalisation for Media Center in Western Sahara Workers not Slaves: Empowering Farmworker Communities Investeringer for hvem: Retten til at sige nej! Community mobilisation and organisation in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal provinces, South Africa. Community Driven Process to Reduce HIV-Related Stigma Embili Impela Towards Self-Determined Development in Southern Africa Swaziland – Ulighed og udvikling i et enevældigt Monarki Tete Appraisal Reaching the Region - building regional coherence for socio-ecological justice in the Indian Ocean Creating legitimate and viable platforms for youth participation Global Climate Justice Warriors Adapting the power, transforming the region - regional coalition towards inclusive climate change adaptation Building Civil Society Partnership Push for a People's Government Fiskerifagligt Netværk Kapacitetsanalyse Creating political inclusiveness of the youth in Zimbabwe Forward to Feminist Agroecology: The Power to Feed Ourselves in In Our Hands United Against Patriarchy Building People’s Power for a Democratic Change Borgerinddragelse i journalistik aktivitet Southern Africa Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power Powerful Flower Workers! Fighting the gas rush in Mozambique Dziwani III Frihandel - vejen til bæredygtig udvikling eller øget ulighed? 2-0 til de små (genansøgning af 23-4736-OpEn-OE) Pathway to Climate Justice Platform for Democratic Debate Project Administration and Financial Seminar 2015 Building Climate Justice Advocacy with Small-Scale Farmers in Southern and Eastern Africa Theory to Practice: A shared effort among AK partners to fully live up to sound administrative procedures Indaba Youth Seninar Take power back from the powerful: Inequality and the 1% Promoting resilience in communities affected by climate change in Tete and Zambézia provinces Sammen mod falske klimaløsninger Unity for Change Land Capacity Building and Advocacy Project Hlominiska Phase Two: "Strengthening Democracy at its Roots" Strengthening Global Aktion At Its Roots NCA - Building a Platform for Unity Our right - our claim Land Capacity Building and Advocacy Project Hlominsika: Lad demokratiet slå rod SUDF - Unity for Democracy ACT NOW! - Creating room for manoeuvre for civil society Community access, control and management of land and other natural resources - towards Climate Justice Consolidation of People’s Power for a Democratic Breakthrough in Swaziland Youth Seminar Netværksudvikling for unge kriminelle i Cape Town Wosa Mawubuye Konference: Countries in transition. Options for women's political participation Creating access to democracy and political rights for youth in Zimbabwe Demand the realisation of the Human Rights Based Approach to fisheries - through the implementation of the SSF guidelines Say No to Gas! Foren og kæmp - for fiskernes rettigheder (Unite and Fight - for fishers' rights) Folkelig oplysning om madsuverænitet, fødevarer og klima Frihandel og udvikling: et umage par Peasants' rights achieve climate justice Vestsahara - en overset konflikt Somaliland Youth Empowerment Initiative Project Systematic documentation of HIV/AIDS related stigmatisation and discrimination in the district of Kibaale, Uganda Strengthening people's power through arts and culture Stop gasudvinding i Mozambique Vote Run Lead Reloaded Klimaet i et afrikansk perspektiv Southern African Right 2 Say No Campaign Kapacitetsanalyse af Global Aktion Organize and mobilize for democratic change Partner Seminar 2014. A greater push towards change through a shared vision The Southern African Development Community People's Summit Qubula Zasha - Ex-mineworkers Capacity Building Project Dziwani - Kuti Pantsi na bzacilengwedwe mpsanu! (Know - the land and natural resources belong to you!) Kapacitetsudvikling af og fortalervirksomhed for Struisbaai Vissers Vereniging Strengthening the relationship between the labour sector and the democratic movement in Swaziland Securing fishing rights for the world's small-scale fishers Towards a life in dignity (for land and rural livelihoods) Advancing the Right to Say No, Resisting Green Extractivism, and Building Alternatives That Shape a Just Transition from Below in Southern Africa Bag mærkatet - oplysningskampagne om landarbejderliv i sydafrikansk vinproduktion Putting the "O" in environmental injustice - strengthening the regional network of marine dependent communities in Indian Ocean and Coastal South East Africa Podcastserie om Vestsahara Look Behind Your Food: Towards a food production system that respects the rights, livelihoods and dignity of workers Swaziland Positive Living Dziwani II - Kuti Pantsi na bzacilengwedwe mpsanu! Know - the land and natual resources belong to you! Youth in Zimbabwe Empowered to Unite and Actively Claim their Socio-Economic Rights Somaliland Youth Empowerment Initiative Project Enhancing democratic learning among union members in rural South Africa Towards New Ways of Cooperation and Capacity-Building between AK and Partners in Africa Citizen empowerment to activate Constitutional Rights and State Responsibility Fighting for the Right to Food Sovereignty Towards Strengthening th Civil Society Partnership with AK-partners in the Southers Africa The rising ocean Udvikling for Hvem: IFU og Danskernes Pension Demokratisk Mobilisering Klima over handel Supporting an End to VAW for Young Women's Increased Political Participation Securing the human rights of small-scale fisher peoples through the implementation of the SSF guidelines and the realization of Food Sovereignty Securing Environmental Justice for African Fisher Peoples Resistance – fra kampen mod apartheid til kampen mod global ulighed ACT NOW AGAINST POLITICAL VIOLENCE RAPE AND TORTURE Referendum Now - Fokus på en overset konflikt Supporting an End to VAW for Young Women's Increased Political Participation
Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 14: Life below Water

Goal 15: Life on Land

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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