If you have any questions, please forward them to derf@cisu.dk
Applying for Funding
Before applying to the DERF, you should read the funding guidelines.
Download the funding guidelines for the DERF
DERF Guiding Note on Pilot (flexible funds and local administration)
Cover page to be signed by Danish and local implementing organisations. The cover page must be uploaded via CISU's online system, Vores CISU.
Anticipatory Action (AA)
Application format Anticipatory Action (AA) to be uploaded via CISUs online platform, Vores CISU.
Context description format (AA) to be filled and signed by implementing organisation and uploaded as a supplementing document via CISUs online platform, Vores CISU.
Rapid Response
Application format Rapid Response (RR) to be uploaded via CISUs online platform, Vores CISU.
Context description format (RR) to be filled and signed by implementing organisation and uploaded via CISUs online platform, Vores CISU.
Before making your budget, please carefully read the guiding note on the DERF pilot. Please note that the local administration lumpsum is mandatory, while the flexible funds is optional.
Budget format to be used for all DERF Intervention Applications. The budget must be uploaded with the cover page and the application format via CISUs online platform, Vores CISU.
Budget Guide includes guidance and regulations on the DERF budget format to be submitted with the Intervention Applications, as described above.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to submit your application in CISUs online platform Vores CISU
- Log in to Vores CISU. If you are new to Vores CISU, you can learn more about the platform in this Q&A.
Go to "Ansøgninger" in the menu on the left.
Click on "Opret" at the bottom of the page.
Select "DERF - Nødhjælpspuljen" as the fund, you want to apply to.
Select the type of intervention, you want to apply for.
For anticipatory action interventions choose the intervention type Anticipatory Action in relation to natural hazards and climate change (AA).
For rapid response interventions choose the open call, which you are applying for.
Enter the title of the application (please keep it as short).
Press "Næste" at the bottom of the page
Enter information on the Danish organisation and their implementing partner(s). Please note that all mandatory questions must be filled, before you can save the information.
Upload application format, supplementary annexes, budget and cover page.
When the application is ready, you can submit it to CISU, who will assess it within the given time frame.
In order to apply for funding from CISU, the organisation must have an annual account which has been subject to audit. The account must be uploaded at Vores CISU.
Requirements for the annual account at the time of application
The annual account must be audited by either an authorized approved auditor or a not professionally trained auditor chosen by the organisation. If the last option is the case, the auditor must fulfill regular requirements of hability, i.e. there must not be circumstances that can bring doubt to the person's independence. The auditor can be a member of the organisation, but can not be part of the board.
The annual account must be signed by the auditor and the person authorized to sign on behalf of the organization. Either handwritten in the document or with digital signature.
The annual account must as a minimum contain a) an income statement with turnover and expenses and b) a balance with assets and liabilities, and including equity.
CISU must be able to see that the organization has a minimum of 25/50 paying members or financial contributors (see the guidelines for the different pools for their specific requirements). If it is not clear in the account, CISU can request other forms of documentation. This could for instance be a list of members and a bank statement showing fee payments.
Template for annual accounts
Download a template with instructions to how to set up your annual accounts:
During Implementation
All DERF grantees must comply with the requirements stated in the DERF Grant Management Guide.
Please ensure that you follow the current and latest version of the guide, i.e. the version uploaded here.
When requesting disbursements for a DERF intervention, please use the DERF Format for disbursement request.
The request must be submitted through CISUs online platform, Vores CISU. Please refer to the Grant management guide for the DERF rules on disbursements.
Upload the request in Vores CISU
Find the specific intervention in Vores CISU and click on it,
Go to 'Ind- og Udbetalinger' at the top bar of the screen
Choose 'Send udbetalingsanmodning' at the bottom of the page
Enter the amount to be disbursed and bank information and upload the disbursement request (remember to use the correct format)
Choose 'Send anmodning', which is now submitted to CISU.
I you have any questions, feel free to send an email to derf@cisu.dk.
If you wish to request an adjustment in your intervention, please use the Request for adjustments in a DERF intervention.
In case your request includes budget revisions, you can apply this Supporting document.
The request for adjustments, e.g. budget revisions etc., must be submitted through CISUs online platform, Vores CISU. Please refer to the Grant management guide for the DERF rules on adjustments
Upload the request for adjustments in Vores CISU:
Enter the grant in Vores CISU
Go to 'Opret ændringsanmodning' at the bottom of the page.
Choose which kind of adjustment, the request is relating to (periodeændring - change in period, budgetændring - change in budget and/or andet - other).
Upload the request (and remember to use the correct format for DERF)
Press 'Send', and the request is submitted to CISU.
If you have questions, feel free to contact CISU at derf@cisu.dk.
The reporting of irregularities must be submitted by mail to indberet@cisu.dk with the grant reference number in the email subject heading. You should use the specific Format for reporting of irregularities.
It is mandatory upon the governing body of the Danish organisation to immediately notify DERF/CISU:
If significant difficulties arise in the implementation of the intervention, including problems regarding compliance with the budget approved.
If significant problems arise in the organisation’s relationship with the recipient country’s authorities, partner or expatriate staff.
If there is well-founded suspicion or detection of theft, fraud, corruption, misuse or similar irregularities.
If cases of safeguarding or PSEAH arise among any of the implementation partners.
You are very welcome to contact CISU if a project or an intervention runs into problems, enabling CISU to guide you on how to report the problems and how to pursue a solution.
Reporting to CISU
Deadline for submission of final report is within one month of the end date of the intervention. The signed final report must be submitted through CISUs online platform, Vores CISU.
Grantees must use the DERF format for final reports. There are different formats for the two modalities:
Upload the final report in Vores CISU:
Find the specific intervention in Vores CISU and click on it,
Go to 'Milepæle' in the navigation box at the top of the screen
Enter 'Afsluttende rapport' on the list
Upload the final report
Choose 'Send', and the report is submitted to CISU.
The DERF final accounts format are found here:
Deadline for submission of final accounts is within four months of the end date of the intervention. The final accounts, duely signed, must be submitted through CISUs online platform, Vores CISU.
Please note that the DERF final accounts format is in English, as the formal language of DERF is English. Thus, all account material and documents must be in English, including the auditor’s statements and the long form audit report.
The DERF final accounts format includes several pages, which together form the complete format for the audited accounts to be submitted for the DERF intervention. The audited accounts must be submitted in one collective document, supplemented by the auditor's long form audit report, duely signed.
Upload the final account in Vores CISU:
Find the specific intervention in Vores CISU and click on it
Go to 'Milepæle' in the navigation box at the top of the screen
Enter 'Afsluttende regnskab' on the list
Upload the final account
Choose 'Send', and the final acount is submitted to CISU
The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Audit Instructions for Grants of DKK 500,000 and Below
The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Audit Instructions for Grants Above DKK 500,000
Check list for use when auditing grants (for grants under DKK 200,000 but relevant tool for all grants regardless of size)
The audit of grants of DKK 200,000 or less is carried out by an auditor appointed by CISU to handle the task. Learn more about the process in the Administration Guide for the respective fund.
Contact information for the CISU-appointed auditor:
Martinsen Rådgivning og Revision (tidligere Elley Revision Aps)
E: cle@martinsen.dk, att. Claus Elley
T: +45 7578 1888
If the price of an individual grant-financed investment to be transferred to the local partner(s) upon closing the DERF grant, exceeds the tax authorities’ definition of a minor acquisition a signed transfer document must be attached to the final accounts and submitted for CISU approval, together with audited accounts.
Please use this Format for transfer document.