Baptistkirken i Danmark
BID er et fællesskab af 54 selvstændige menigheder, der i fællesskab driver et Sekretariat, der står for de fælles aktiviteter, så som Internationalt arbejde, bladvirksomhed, uddannelse og personalefunktioner. Baptistkirken i Danmark er et kristent trossamfund, der består af de til enhver tid tilsluttede baptistmenigheder i Danmark, der bekender Jesus Kristus som Herre og Frelser i overensstemmelse med Bibelen og derfor sammen søger at opfylde deres fælles kald til Faderens, Sønnens og Helligåndens ære. BaptistKirken er en del af Kristi ene, sande Kirke og vedkender sig fællesskab med alle kristne, som bekender troen på den treenige Gud. BID har været aktiv i International mission og udviklingsarbejde i Burundi siden 1928 og i Rwanda siden 1936. De fleste aktiviteter foregår i menighederne, hvor gudstjenester, undervisning, børne- og ungdomsarbejde er en central del for alle menigheder, ligesom en række menigheder er engageret i sociale projekter og aktive i lokalsamfundet.
Contact: |
Lærdalsgade 7, 2300 København S Phone: 3259 0708 E-mail: |
Efforts take place in: |
Burundi Myanmar Rwanda |
Grants: | Integrated conservation food security project Shigikirana:Savings for life SARURA BURUNDI – Integrated Food Security and VSLA Project Ngirankugire - Young Single Mothers Extended Food Economy Project for Burundi Farmers Yagi Rescue HIV/Aids forebyggelse i kirkerne i Burundi Economic and social empowerment of rural communities in Rwanda through Saving and Loan Associations and advocacy for social trust Dukore 2 Appraisal on economic and social empowerment of rural communities in Rwanda through advocacy and savings and loan associations Burundi Flooding and landslides response Shigikirana Savings for Life II (SSFL) |
Sustainable Development Goals: |
Goal 1: No Poverty Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being Goal 5: Gender Equality Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals |
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CISU's World Map
CISU's World Map gives you an insight into the many worldwide projects supported by CISU's open pools, as well as the Danish organisations and their local partners who manage the projects. When you select a country on the map, you get an overview of the projects, but you also see which CISU member organisations are active in that country.
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Grant Overview
The Grant Overview provides a full list of all projects supported through CISU's open pools of funds. Both ongoing and completed. You can also select to filter by intervention type, country, and UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG).
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Geographic member representation
Geographic representation of CISU member organisations
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Partner organisations
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CISU member organisations
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