
AIDS-Fondet er en dansk NGO, der arbejder for visionen om "seksuel sundhed for alle". Organisationen har en særlig fokus på at styrke rettigheder og sundhed for sårbare og marginaliserede grupper, herunder sexarbejdere, LGBT+-personer, stofbrugere, indsatte og unge. Formålet er at bekæmpe HIV/AIDS globalt og fremme en verden uden skadelige sociale normer, hvor alle kan leve uden diskrimination, vold og stigma. AIDS-Fondet arbejder både i Danmark og internationalt med oplysning, fortalervirksomhed, støtte til lokale partnere i det Globale Syd og udvikling af sundheds- og rettighedsbaserede programmer. Kerneaktiviteterne inkluderer at fremme adgang til HIV-forebyggelse, test og behandling, støtte målgrupper i at opbygge modstandsdygtighed mod fattigdom og undertrykkelse, samt at sætte seksuel sundhed på den globale sundhedspolitiske dagsorden. AIDS-Fondet arbejder desuden for at skabe varig forandring gennem partnerskaber, uddannelse og påvirkning af politiske processer.


Vestergade 18E

1456 København K

Phone: 20629146



Efforts take place in:








Grants: A three-dimensional approach to preventing HIV and improving access to health services among MSM in Malawi Strengthening the organization of sex workers in Ukraine En generation uden HIV Phase-out: Making IWAWA sustainable through organizational and operational capacity-building Reducing stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV/AIDS in Itezhi-Tezhi District HIV Prevention, Resilience & Well-being among Key Populations in Malawi & Uganda Improving sexual and reproductive health and rights, wellbeing, and resilience of KPs in Uganda and Malawi, with a specific focus on reducing HIV prevalence Prevention of sexual and mother-to-child HIV Transmission among the mobile population of Wereda 11, Addis Ababa "Forbudt materiale" - uddeling af kondomer og glidecreme på Folkemødet ffor at sætte fokus på LGBT, rettigheder og udvikling Breaking Stigma and Discrimination - Responding to HIV/AIDS The Right to sexual health - responding to HIV&AIDS among LGBT in Uganda Improving lives of trans people in Malawi Pioneering the inclusion of transgendered persons in HIV-prevention in Ukraine Including Us? - Holistic Prevention, Care and Treatment Services to Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and Transgenders (TG) in Nepal Prevention of HIV infections and violence among sex workers in Zomba, Malawi Hvad skal kvinderne med kondomet? Debatarrangement om kvinders ret til sundhed gennem kvindekontrollerede forebyggelsesmetoder Reducing HIV among key populations in East Africa Partner visit to finalise formulation of capacity building project Sexual Health and Rights for MSM in Malawi Capacity Building Project Reducing stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV/AIDS in Itezhi-Tezhi District Mobilt event med quiz, som giver indblik i danskernes viden om og holdninger til HIV, udvikling og globalt samarbejde
Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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