Dansk Folkehjælp - DFH

Dansk Folkehjælp er en landsdækkende, frivillig humanitær organisation, som yder hjælp til udsatte mennesker i Danmark og udlandet. Frivillighed, solidaritet med de svageste, og bæredygtighed er de grundlæggende elementer. Dansk Folkehjælp har tre centrale indsatsområder: Forebyggelse- og førstehjælp, frivilligt socialt arbejde, og internationalt udviklingsarbejde og nødhjælp. Hvor de to første aktivitetsområder primært foregår i Danmark er aktiviteterne på det international område koncentreret i Østafrika og Afghanistan - dog uden at andre geografiske områder er udelukket. De angivne Verdensmål nedenfor er gældende for det internationale arbejde.


Brovejen 4

4800 Nykøbing F

Phone: 70220230

E-mail: post@folkehjaelp.dk

Web: http://www.folkehjaelp.dk

Efforts take place in:









Grants: Strengthening citizens' influence on WASH in the newly devolved governance system in Mombasa and Taita Taveta countries in Kenya Improving Livelihoods by the Use of the CLUES Planning Approach in Mulago III Parish, Kawempe Division, Kampala Floodings in Somalia Capacity Building for Water Resource Management and Construction of Communal Latrines in Nugaal Region, Puntland Emergency Response to the Armed Inter-Clan conflict in Beledweyne - Hiran-Somalia Development of Methodology and Preparation of FGM/C Project in Puntland/Somalia Locust crisis response in Somalia Building the capacity of civil society in Tanzania on WASH Governance for improved government service delivery Improved food security among Extremely Vulnerable Households in Karamajoa: Napak and Nakapiripirit Civil Society Action for Improved WASH Services in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and Somalia MUAVIKA II - Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Education Response to drought in Afghanistan - DPA & ORD Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan WASH improvement Project in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement Protection Assistance to the Children and Youth of Gawilan Syrian refugee camp, Kurdistan Region of Iraq Increased resilience of Syrian refugees and host communities in South Lebanon Muavika - Water supply, sanitation and hygiene improvements in Karatu, Tanzania Emergency response for flash and riverine flood affected population in Belet Weyne Somalia Conflict and Food Security Crisis; KAALO-DPA Strengthening WASH Structures and Dialogue in 6 Villages in Nugaal Region, Puntland, Somalia Rapid Response serving victims of Cyclone Chido Response to spike in Syrian Refugee Crisis - DPA & Solidar FGM/C Reduction through Capacy Building, Awareness Raising and Advocacy in 15 Villages in Garowe District of Puntland State of Somalia Improving environmental sanitation and livelihoods in Kampala by upscaling the use of CLUES approach (CLUES II) Strengthening citizens' influence on WASH in the newly developed governance system in Mosamba and Taita Taveta counties in Kenya Civil Society Action for Improved WASH Services in East and Southern Africa (2022-2025) Emergency WASH Assistance to DRC refugees in Kyangwali - Uganda Civil Society Action for Improved WASH Services in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and Somalia Citizens' Action on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (CA-WASH) in Nakawa Municipality, Kampala, Uganda kapacitetsanalyse af den danske organisation Building the capacity of civil society in Tanzania on WASH Governance for improved government service delivery. Awareness Raising on Female Genital Mutilation CITIZEN ACTION ON WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE PROJECT (CA-WASH) Muavika - Water suply, sanitation and hygiene improvements in Karatu, Tanzania Strengthening WASH Structures and Dialogue in nine villages in Puntland, Somalia (SWASD) Capacity Building of the Thabang Society Civil Society Action for Improved WASH Services in East and Southern Africa (2022-2025) Rapid Response to the flooded communities in Nairobi, Kenya MUAWIKA II - Water supply, sanitation and hygiene COVID19 prevention project in Afghanistan War affected IDP's in Afghanistan - DPA & ORD Civil Society Action for Improved WASH Services in East and Southern Africa (2026-2029)
Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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