For a new tomorrow (FANT)

FANT er en forening registreret under branchekode 949900 - Andre organisationer og foreninger i.a.n.


c/o Match Padel Studio, Lemberggade 15, st.

2300 København S

Tlf: 31181523



Indsatser foregår i:

Gambia, the


Sierra Leone

Bevillinger: Strengthening inclusion of PLWD through civil society Formidling om FANT til Coldplay koncerter Fodboldturnering og kunstudstilling Sportsfællesskaber på tværs af Danmark og Sierra Leone Expression of Interest from FANT DK, FANT SL and DiSNet The HAND Project phase III Empowering of the disabled football players The SEED Plan B Project DGI’s fodboldskoler med Afrika tem& Afrika-aktivitetsdage i fire idrætsforeninger Preparing children, youth and parents for engaging in change processes The formation of a Sport Federation for Persons with Disabilities in Sierra Leone 'Backway' is not the solution phase II Back to School Fotoudstilling om idrætsfællesskaber i forbindelse med EM i fodbold 2021 Strengthening the independence & wellbeing of youth in Sierra Leone Sports & Entrepreneurship for Economic Development HAND - Handball for A New Destiny Backway is not the solution III Strengthening of connections in the HAND network Sport, fællesskab og lokalt drevet udvikling i Sierra Leone Using football associations as a platform for building the capacity of marginalized young adults to implement advocacy projects and for the empowerment of children Youth teams of Flying Stars Amputee Football Clubs Tak for støtten-kampagne Plan B phase II Protecting children through COVID19 crisis, securing correct information and contributing to peaceful coherence Fra Farum til Freetown – Sierra Leones første kunstgræsbane Strengthening Grassroots Advocacy: Empowering PLWD for Inclusive Development 'Backway' is not the solution Securing Monjasa Park Freetown as a useful, safe and enjoyable community space Støvlens Rejse Peace keeping, democracy and improved human rights through mobilization and training of young boys and girls in Sierra Leone Idrætsprojekter som cases til at engagerer FGU- og højskoleelever i udviklingsarbejde KAPACITETSANALYSE: FANT – FOR A NEW TOMORROW (FANT) Foredragsrækken "Måske nok verdens uheldigste fodboldspiller" Seriefodboldens Ballon d'Or The Peace Caravan of Flying Stars Amputees Football for Unity Supporting foundational steps for amputee football in Ukraine Strengthening of capacities in the newly formed Disability Sport Network
FN's Verdensmål:

Mål 3: Sundhed og trivsel

Mål 5: Ligestilling mellem kønnene

Mål 8: Anstændige jobs og økonomisk vækst

Mål 10: Mindre ulighed

Mål 11: Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund

Mål 16: Fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner

Mål 17: Partnerskaber for handling

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