Dansk International Bosætningsservice (DIB)

DIB (formerly Danish International Human Settlement Service) is a development organisation that since 1989 has carried out construction and planning projects for poor and marginalised communities in Cambodia, Bolivia, Malaysia, Peru, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Nepal, India and Thailand. Then, the focus was on developing and implementing sustainable constructions and trainings. Today, DIB’s work has a broader scope that accommodates, in particular, development, poverty and climate issues. The focus areas include involvement of the civil society in local planning such as Eco-Village Development and Disaster Risk Reduction, capacity building, training and education, indigenous people and rights, transfer of technology including climate-adaptation techniques and local materials, advocacy, help to self-help, etc. DIB's current development projects - and since 2017 also emergency projects - are in Bolivia, South Asia, Nepal and the Philippines. Please visit www.dib.dk for more info.


Klosterport 4 T, 3.

8000 Aarhus C

Tlf: 52999236

E-mail: dib@dib.dk

Web: http://www.dib.dk

Indsatser foregår i:







Sri Lanka


Bevillinger: Leg og læring, fra skolen til samfundet, for at leve godt i harmoni med naturen Partnership for Green Strategies in Nepal Remaining Relevant: A multi-stakeholder review of participatory planning tools and methods in the Philippines Partnership Intervention Between Children-Nepal and DIB Evidence based advocacy for low-carbon, pro-poor sustainable "Eco-Village Development" (EVD) in South Asia NyTænk 2.0 - undervisningsoplæg baseret på innovative bæredygtighedsløsnigner fra udviklingslande Strengthening Partnership Structures for Disaster Risk Sensitive Shelter Planning Strengthening Ghanaian Youth - Through Climate Smart Agriculture and Civic Organizing Climate Resilient Communities in Nepal Styrkelse af partnerskabet mellem SAHB og DIB Strengthening the Eco-Village Development concept: Affordable local climate actions for sustainable development in South Asia Post-Odette humanitarian actions in vulnerable coastal barangays of Ubay Municipality, Bohol Province Empowering indigenous women and their organisations in the Bolivian Amazon Resilient Roots of Change (R2C): Empowering Ghanaian Youth for Sustainable Agriculture. Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction and development planning in the Philippines #ståropforverden The IDP Initiative: Towards inclusive, democratic and productive settlements in Marawi and Iligan Promoting disaster risk-sensitive shelter planning in selected Philippine cities and towns Enhancing rural livelihoods in Nepal Advocating for upscaling for local climate solutions as Eco Village Development as a mean to strengthen pro-poor climate agenda in South Asia A participatory and cross-sectorial pilot project to prepare networks and capacities for control of diseases spreading between animals and humans in rural Bolivian Amazon communities (NETCAP-DIB) Using nature-based solutions to build the resilience of resettled households to climate risks Et nyt DIB Humanitarian aid for the indigenous families of the Bolivian Chiquitania to restore their life system Humanitarian action and preparedness response to forest fires in Bolivia Inclusive and integrated humanitarian actions for community- and home-based IDPs of the Marawi siege Food for thought - better nutrition for children and youth Aprender Jugando II Nane Nane Climate Change Adaptation: Local climate-smart agriculture with farmers groups and youth in Geita, Tanzania Beyond fight-or-flight: Amplifying the role of IDPs in the reconstruction of Marawi Drought humanitarian aid to indigenous communities of Apolobamba in Bolivia Kapacitetsopbygning af Teko Kavi samt styrkelse af partnerskabet mellem DIB og Teko Kavi Next generation low carbon, climate resilient Eco-Village Development in South Asia Styrkelse af civilsamfundsorganisationerne på Altiplano Synergies across the continents - strengthening CSOs in climate action and reducing poverty with local, sustainable solutions Altiplano Adaptation: Youth Agents Acting for Climate Change Adaptation in the Bolivian highlands Kilimo Rafiki: Community resilience through climate-adaptive agriculture practices Enabling CSO participation in shelter program formulation to address flooding risk in Legazpi City Supporting islands of vulnerability in flood bound areas of Metro Manila NyTænk Breaking the drought for the farming communities in Jovellar Aprender Jugando 3: Ecoalfabetización desde la escuela hacia la comunidad para Vivir Bien en armonía con la Madre Tierra Increasing the participation of women and marginalised groups in sustainable livelihood activities Styrkelse af civilsamfundsorganisationer på Altiplano Making invisible solutions viseible Forum for bæredygtig lokal udvikling i Cambodja ARCA: Acciones de Resiliencia Contra el Cambio Climático - Participatory Civic Actions of Resilience Against Climate Change Driven by Women Leaders and Young Leaders in La Paz And El Alto, Bolivia NEXTCAP Network extension, capacity building and advocacy for improved health in Bolivian Amazon communities Aprender Jugando - Lær Legende Mayon, Magayon: The perfect cone of participatory governance, risk reduction and resilient settlements Lombay Ka Marawi: Arising to uphold IDP rights
FN's Verdensmål:

Mål 1: Afskaf fattigdom

Mål 3: Sundhed og trivsel

Mål 5: Ligestilling mellem kønnene

Mål 6: Rent vand og sanitet

Mål 7: Bæredygtig energi

Mål 8: Anstændige jobs og økonomisk vækst

Mål 10: Mindre ulighed

Mål 11: Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund

Mål 13: Klimaindsats

Mål 15: Livet på land

Mål 16: Fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner

Mål 17: Partnerskaber for handling

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