Aktion Amazonas

Aktion Amazonas (AKAM) is a Danish non-profit and member-based nature conservation organization working for the conservation of South American forests, focusing on the Amazon and adjacent forest ecosystems. We are currently committed to conserving more than 2 million hectares of forest in Bolivia and Peru in partnerships with local nature conservation organizations and in close coordination and cooperation with local actors. In Denmark and the EU, we advocate for measures to reduce pressure on tropical forests. AKAM co-founded the South American Forest Conservation Alliance (SAFCA) to drive impactful conservation through knowledge exchange, awareness-raising, and resource mobilization.


Fælledvej 12, opg.C, 4. sal

2200 København N.

Phone: +45 61339161

E-mail: info@aktionamazonas.org

Web: http://www.aktionamazonas.org

Efforts take place in:



Grants: Styrkelse af naturressourceforvaltningen og forbedring af levevilkårene for marginaliserede grupper i Bolivia gennem lokalforankret økoturismeprojekt. Connecting to Conserve the Amazon Rainforest (CCAR) Assessment of AKAM as an institution and SAFCA as an alliance Bolivia, drought emergency and resilience Tech Workshop for Environmental Defenders & Conservationists Enabling communities to fight wildfires Building resilience in communities vulnerable to Climate Change in Bolivia Building CC Adaptation Capacity In Amazon Forest Communities Wildfire Response and Relief in Bolivia Conserving Connectivity Protecting Indigenous Communities in Northern Chiquitanía Youth Engagement for Nature Conservation Connecting People for Conservation (CPC Program) Creating Community Governed Forest Corridor Partnership Workshop: Building Conservation Alliances in Bolivia Det kan DU gøre, når Amazonas brænder Building community-based ecotourism in the Chiquitanía-forest of Bolivia Partnership Workshop: Strengthening cross border conservation in South America Pitches, Projects, and Building a Concept Note Database Voices of Resilience: Empowering Indigenous People through Communication (VoR) People Acting for Bolivian Amazon (PABA) Emergency assistance to the victims of the wild fires in Bolivia Coffee & Rights: Improving forest livelihoods and territorial protection of indigenous communities in eastern Bolivia Enhancing resilience in CC-vulnerable communities in the Yuncas Ecoregion in Bolivia and Peru
Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 15: Life on Land

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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