Det er et krav for alle bevillinger uanset størrelse, at der laves en samarbejdsaftale mellem den danske organisation og hovedpartneren i indsatsen. CISU anbefaler dog, at der også laves samarbejdsaftaler med eventuelle andre partnere i indsatsen.
Læs mere om krav til samarbejdsaftale i forvaltningsvejledningen for den respektive pulje.
Hent forslag til disposition med bl.a. forslag til indhold og opbygning af samarbejdsaftalen på dansk, engelsk, spansk og fransk.
Vigtige pointer om samarbejdsaftaler
Samarbejdsaftalen bør afspejle gensidigheden i partnerskabet. Derfor der det vigtigt, at samarbejdsaftaler beskriver ansvar og forpligtelser såvel som rettigheder for alle parter, f.eks.:
- Den danske organisation har krav på at kunne føre tilsyn med projektet, og den lokale partnerorganisation er forpligtet til at tage imod de danske tilsynsbesøgende. Men omvendt kan det også indføres, at den danske organisation er forpligtet til at tage hensyn til partnerens planlægning og melde besøget ud i god tid, eller at datoerne for besøget planlægges i fællesskab.
- Alle parter kan opsige samarbejdet med fx 3 måneders varsel. Den danske organisation har ret til at opsige samarbejdet øjeblikkeligt, hvis det drejer sig om brud på aftalen. Der kan alligevel opstå situationer, som f.eks. kan omhandle samarbejdsproblemer mellem den lokale partner og en dansk udsendte eller projektkoordinator. Det kan være hensigtsmæssigt at indføre mekanismer for klager, konflikthåndtering og mægling, således at den lokale partner har ret til bringe nogle ubehagelige emner op indenfor nogle på forhånd aftalte rammer.
Udenrigsministeriet kræver, at alle samarbejdsaftaler indeholder følgende klausuler:
”No offer, payment, consideration or benefit of any kind, which could be regarded as an illegal or corrupt practice, shall be made - neither directly nor indirectly - as an inducement or reward in relation to tendering, award of the contract, or execution of the contract. Any such practice will be grounds for the immediate cancellation of this contract and for such additional action, civil and/or criminal, as may be appropriate. At the discretion of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a further consequence of any such practice can be the definite exclusion from any tendering for projects, funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”
“The Danish MoFA has a zero tolerance for inaction approach to tackling sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH2) as defined in UNSG Bulletin ST/SGB/2003/13 and the definition of sexual harassment in UNGA Resolution A/RES/73/148. The Implementing Partner, and its sub-grantees, will take appropriate measures to protect people, including beneficiaries and staff, from SEAH conducted by its employees and associated personnel including any sub-grantee staff and take timely and appropriate action when reports of SEAH arise. In the event that the Implementing Partner receives reports of allegations of SEAH, the Implementing Partner will take timely and appropriate action to investigate the allegation and, where warranted, take disciplinary measures or civil and/or criminal action. Any violation of this clause will be ground for the immediate termination of this Agreement.”
“If, during the course of implementation of this Project/Programme, the Implementing Partner discovers any link whatsoever with any organization or individual associated with terrorism, it must inform the Danish MoFA immediately and explain the reasons for such transfer, including whether it was made or provided knowingly, voluntarily, accidentally, unintentionally, incidentally or by force. The Implementing Partner agrees that it and/or its implementing partners (including contractors, sub-contractors and sub-grantees) will take all reasonable steps to secure that no transaction made in relation to the Project/Programme will – directly or indirectly – benefit a person, group or entity subject to restrictive measures (sanctions) by the UN or the EU. Any violation of this clause is ground for immediate termination of the Agreement returning to the Danish MoFA of all funds advanced to the Implementing Partner under it.”
“The Implementing Partner shall abide by applicable national laws as well as applicable international instruments, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and International Labour Organisation conventions. Any violation will be ground for immediate termination of the Agreement.”
Sådan uploader I samarbejdsaftalen på Vores CISU:
- Find den pågældende bevilling i Vores CISU og tryk på den.
- Tryk på fanen ’Milepæle’ øverst på skærmen.
- Find 'Samarbejdsaftale' på listen og tryk på den.
- Upload samarbejdsaftalen
- Tryk ”Send”