International Aid Services (IAS)

International Aid Services Denmark (IAS DK) er en udviklings- og nødhjælpsorganisation, som er grundlagt på kristne værdier. IAS DK har siden begyndelsen i 2000 været i vækst og har i dag et omfattende arbejde i Afrika - primært Afrikas Horn og Sahel regionen. IAS DK har hovedkontor i København og et afdelingskontor i Brande. IAS’ målsætning er ”at redde liv, fremme selvhjælp og værdighed, gennem forandring, der går længere end nødhjælp og udvikling.” Arbejdet, der udføres, er rettighedsbaseret og har fokus på fattigdomsbekæmpelse, forældreløse børn samt kvinder og er baseret på hjælp til selvhjælp. IAS arbejder indenfor inkluderende uddannelse, vand og sanitet, samt styrkelse af civilsamfundet. IAS er involveret i både akut nødhjælp og i langsigtet udviklingshjælp. IAS DK's tematiske fokusområder er: • social retfærdighed • marginaliserede børn • inkluderende uddannelse for alle


Drejervej 15, 5. sal

2400 København NV

Tlf: 75345855



Indsatser foregår i:









South Sudan






Bevillinger: Forbedrede vilkår og rettigheder for fattige børn i Missiones gennem styrkelse af civilsamfundet og overdragelse af forskolemodellen Bæredygtigt landbrug i Tharaka distrikt, Kenya Increased inclusion and quality of education for marginalised children in Tana River County Forbedrede uddannelsesmuligheder for enlige forsørgere i San Ignacio, Paraguay Sustainable and Equal Quality Educational Opportunities for All Establishment of a consolidated programme framework focusing on improving marginalized children’s lives through inclusive education Sustainable and Equal Quality Educational Opportunities for All, phase 4 Lifesaving intervention for drought-affected communities in Garadag and El Afweyn districts of Sanaag region, Somaliland. Increased Life Quality for Marginalized Children Facing Barriers to Learning through Greater Educational Opportunities, Recognition and Social Inclusion Covid-19 intervention in 30 villages in Tamou commune in the Tillaberi region, south-west Niger Turkana Drought Response II Life-saving WASH services for vulnerable populations affected by conflict and intercommunal fight in Ad Damazin, Alrosereis and Bau localities, Blue Nile State, Sudan Building upon Peace to Strengthen Civil Society in Nakuru and Baringo Counties – Phase 3 Improved quality of life for children with special needs in Southern Kordofan Floods Emergency Relief for Tana North Sub County Residents, Kenya Bæredygtigt landbrug i Tharaka distrikt, Kenya Emergency Water and Food distribution in Response to the Drought Affecting Sanaag Region Faragul, Tuura, Tuurb and Wardgeer district, Somaliland. Reduced spread and the effects of COVID-19 pandemic in selected hotspots in Nakuru County, Kenya Increased Access to Inclusive Education in Somaliland through strengthening of SASE as Organisation with Special Focus on Visibility and Family Networks Empowering small scale farmers in Sanjaranda Ward Minimizing Barriers to Inclusive Education in Rukwa region, Tanzania Hoperunners Life-saving Emergency WASH response for the flood affected communities of Northern Bahr El Ghazal Puntland Pawan Cyclone WASH Response Visuel Oplysning Community based peace building in pre- and post election periods in Central Rift Valley, Kenya Enhanced climate change adaptation for improved agricultural production for 1090 farmers in Tharaka North and South by end of December 2023 Improved accept and understanding of children with disabilities in Somaliland - strengthening and expanding the capacity and active involvement of members of SASE Supporting Flood-Affected Livelihoods Nyando Floods Mitigating the effects of drought which is affecting the pastoralist communities in Miyo Kapacitetsanalyse af IAS Emergency food distribution in response to the drought affecting Miyo Woreda, Borena Enabling local South Sudanese NGOs to work with development as an expansion of their humanitarian acitivities in the light of the Sudanese referendum Developing a foundation for Inclusive Education/Special Needs Education (IE/SNE) in Nuba Mountains, Southern Kordofan Floods response in Khartoum state Increased life quality for marginalized children with special educational needs through greater educational opportunities, recognition and social inclusion Forbedrede levevilkår til lavindkomstfamilier i Santa Maria og San Ignacio Turkana drought response Increased Life Quality for Marginalized Children Facing Barriers to Learning through Greater Educational Opportunities, Recognition and Social Inclusion Spredning af CEFIFs arbejde gennem kapacitetsopbygning og netværk Floods in Sudan Equal Educational Opportunities RR for IDP's in Bolgrad area Improved access to safe water and awareness of good hygiene and sanitation practices for DRC refugees in Kyangwali refugee settlement Reducing risk of famine and food insecurity in Terekeka Increased access to education for children in Central Equatoria, with focus on special needs education through inclusive education Establishment of a solid foundation for increasing access to education for children in Central Equatoria, with focus on special needs education through inclusive education Equal access to education for children in an inclusive environment targeting the most vulnerable and marginalized children with a focus on children with Special Needs Equal Educational Opportunities Udveksling og kapacitetsopbygning indenfor erhvervsfaglig uddannelse i Misiones, Paraguay Relief to refugees and vulnerable people in Bolgrad, Ukraine Saving lives and alleviating suffering of South Sudanese refugees and host communities in Rhino Camp Development of future strategy for Inclusive Education with focus on Special Needs Education for IAS and partners in Tanzania Sustainable and Equal Quality Educational Opportunities for All Rebuilding Ukraine Miyo Flood Respsonse Mitigating the effects of displacement for IDPs in Dahas District, Borena Zone, Ethiopia
FN's Verdensmål:

Mål 4: Kvalitetsuddannelse

Mål 5: Ligestilling mellem kønnene

Mål 6: Rent vand og sanitet

Mål 10: Mindre ulighed

Mål 16: Fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner

Mål 17: Partnerskaber for handling

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